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Political Islam's Revival From Afghanistan !

Political Islam’s Revival From Afghanistan !

A parallels political system of governance of Islam as interpreted by the Taliban, begins to re-emerge in Afghanistan after the Taliban humiliatingly defeated 51 countries together with the US led NATO in 20 years long war. The leaked media reports show that Washington decided to oust the Taliban from power long before September 11,2001 attacks in the US. What critically factored in US strategic thinking was the then Taliban government of being direct threat to its Liberal Political Order established after first world war in 1913. The US feared the replication of Taliban’s model of governance in rest of Muslim world which has been divided on ethnics grounds in replace of Islamic bond of unity after the dismemberment of 13 years long Muslim Ottoman Caliphate in Turkey since 1924.

The short video clip was originally filmed in mid July 2021— about a month before the Taliban tookover capital Kabul.

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