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Why US & India Among Top Human Rights Abusers !

The US which every now and then lectures other countries to be human rights abuser, is itself has been engaged in human rights violations at a scale least reported and debated. So is India, the so-called biggest democracy of the world which as per Genocide Watch, is fast nearing to carry out genocide of 200 million Muslims scattered in a 1.3 billion country with overwhelming population of Hindu faith.  

The human rights abuses perpetrated over the years by Americans in the world has been in spotlight in India only after Indian media in an effort to counter and whitewash one of the worst human rights abuses by terror groups of ruling Hindu nationalist Bhartiya Janata Party (BJB) government against its own Muslim minority. The Indian media launched a tirade over the US human rights transgressions in April this year soon after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, “We are monitoring some recent concerning developments in India, including a rise in human rights abuses by some government, police, and prison officials.”

Blinken’s words come just days after Democratic Party leader and US Representative for Minnesota Ilhan Omar questioned Washington’s reluctance to criticize the BJP government led by Narendra Modi on human rights.

The US itself has been at the heart of controversy of being one of the biggest perpetrators of human rights abuses. There is a long list of the crimes the US has been committing against African-Americans Muslims, Chinses, Russians and others. The situation has gone from bad to the worst during recent years.

Since the BJP took power in 2014 with Narender Modi as its prime minister, systematic discrimination, lynching and violence against minorities has escalated to an alarming level. The ultra-Hindu extremist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), of which the BJP is a political wing, launched an organized campaign to force minorities groups such as Christians and Muslims to revert to what RSS claims, their original religion — the Hinduism which revolves around the worship of man-made gods.

However, the US itself has a long history of being an apartheid State against people of color, particularly African-Americans, who have been mercilessly murdered by white police officers.

The US is one of the countries with the highest crime rates in the world like India where surge in social crimes and rape incidents keep many to stay indoor even during daylight.  In 2020 over 15.53 million crimes were documented with people carrying guns everywhere to protect themselves from robberies on the streets. The police brutality like in India is rampant in the US, with white police officers frequently target black people on mere suspicion of involvement in petty crimes.

US War Crimes

The US every year religiously come up annual monitoring reports on how human rights abuses are committed the world over with the persecution of minority groups. Washington blames Russia for war crimes and genocide in Ukraine while falsely portraying itself to be champion of democracy and human rights. However, repeated lies being propagating through habitually biased Western media have no legs to stand on. Many Muslim countries except Afghanistan have been suffering from civil wars, sectarian unrest— courtesy to the long list of the US war crimes and dirty geo-strategic game-plans it continues to play around the world.

Twenty years down the line, the US insistently propagated its self created intelligence about the presence of mass destruction weapons in Iraq to topple the government of the then defiant President Saddam Hussain. Over two millions are feared to be dead as a result of direct bombardments and indirectly induced civil war in Iraq.  Muslim were humiliated, severely tortured with tools such as water boarding  they were molested, rapped and forced to parade naked with their pictures released in the international media to teach them a lesson for resisting American aggression in Iraq. So was American   pattern of torture against Muslim prisoners in Guantanamo Bay.

Terror groups like Daesh/ISIS is the US gift to the world and American CIA is believed to be  its brainchild, something the outgoing US President Donald Trump publically said before his elections in 2016.  So were American atrocities in Libya, Syria and Afghanistan. Alone in Afghanistan over two hundred thousands were killed by Americans with their humiliating defeat there at the end of the day at the hands of Taliban. The US frequently carried out airstrikes on wedding ceremonies and funerals of the victims it repeatedly killed in drone attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan’s bordering regions.

Washington has no shame to demonstrate even a semblance of a remorse after committing heinous crimes everywhere they attacked.

Marginalization & Persecution of Minorities in US

The US security forces killed over 9000 people mostly from different minority and ethnic groups between 2013 and 2021. There are 23 million Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the US, and according to a new poll, one out of every three, has been afraid of being attacked whenever they walk in the streets.

According to the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, hate crimes overall climbed by 2% in 2021, but hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders increased by 146%.

On March 16, 2021, a shooting spree occurred in the Atlanta metropolitan area of Atlanta, demonstrating how Islamophobia, Russophobia, and anti-China sentiments are now well entrenched in American society. Robert Aaron Long, a 21-year-old man who was purportedly motivated by race and gender, murdered eight people, six of them were Asian women.

So has been the mistreatment and violence against black Africans who were forced to launch a campaign” The Black Lives Matter” after the brutal killing of one Goerge Floyad by white police officers in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020. His case mainstreamed in the media globally only after footage of his killing went viral on social media. In similar  latest string of killing of African-Americans occurred in mid May this year, when 18-year-old Payton Gendron, a white radical and racist, stormed a supermarket in Buffalo, New York and killed 10 black people.

During his interrogation, he admitted to have plugged in to extremism through neo-Nazi websites and he was abetted to resort of acts of terrorism after watching a horrible incident livestreamed to show the killings of over 50 Muslims in a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand 2019.

Similarly on April 4 this year in Michigan, a white police officer stopped a car and pulled over its driver — Patrick Lyoya, a 26-year-old Black man — who walked out in front of his home. The confused Lyoya, an immigrant from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, began running away after being questioned, and after a brief chase, the unnamed white policeman seized him and pulled out his gun. He threw him to the ground and shot him in the head from the back.

On April 11, 2021, police officer Kimberly Potter fatally shot Daunte Wright, a 20-year-old Black man, during a traffic stop and attempted to arrest him when he was in the car with his girlfriend. After a brief scuffle with cops, Potter shot Wright in the chest from close range.

On March 13, 2020, Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old African-American woman, was fatally shot in her apartment in Louisville, Kentucky state, after at least seven police officers forced entry as part of an investigation into drug dealing operations. White police officers shot Tailor eight times.

The killing of adolescent Michael Brown on August 9, 2014, and many others are just tip of the iceberg on how white police officers’ commit human rig

India, an Apartheid Fascist State

India has virtually become an apartheid state like Israel. In theory, India is a secular and but in practices it has become a ruthless state with lynching mobs all the time remaining alert to kill any minority group member like from Christianity and particularly Muslims whenever and wherever they refuse to convert to Hinduism. The terror group under ruling BJB has recruited over a six million volunteers who have vowed to forcibly convert back 200 Muslims into Hinduism and annex Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Indian state institutions have been now taken over by extremists from RSS of which current Prime Minister is a key member. Indian army has announced to recruit hundreds of thousands more and add them into its 1. 4 million armed forces. The motives is to recruit hardcore elements in armed forces to conduct genocide of the Muslims. As per Genocide Watch, New Delhi has completed nine pre-stages of carrying out genocide. Alone in  2020 as many as 53 people mostly Muslims  were killed and hundreds were injured, their houses were put on fire and large number among them were forced to migrate elsewhere from New Delhi. Therefore, next things to happen, it is feared, RSS under the official patronage would carry out genocide of 200 million Muslims scattered in 1.3 populated India with overwhelmingly majority of the people from Hindu faith. Muslim faith have been repeatedly insulted with the latest incident involving blasphemous remarks against the last Muslim Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The incident triggered mass protests in India recently.  The very motive of triggering such incidents was to provoke Muslims so that they could be lynched and their houses bulldozed to the ground, something particularly was witnessed in Utter Pardesh province whose Chief Minister not long ago vowed to dig up graves of Muslims women to rape them. This is not the whole story. Muslims women have almost been banned to observe Hijab in their colleges and universities. Their harassment and forcing them to convert back to Hinduism is on the rise through tens of thousands Hindu extremists roaming on the streets of India now on the verge of civil war.

Shafique Jan is an Islamabad-based freelance researcher and journalist with extensive knowledge of global geopolitical issues.

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