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Ex US Spy: Israel Fighting Lost War With Palestinians

Ex US Spy: Israel Fighting Lost War With Palestinians

With almost now three weeks to war between apartheid state of Israel and largely occupied Palestine led by Hamas, well over 7000 have been killed in Gaza, more than 17000 others were, maimed. And God know many thousands are still under the debris. The bigger question —-can apartheid State win the war with relentless of  genocide of Palestinians in days and weeks to come since ethnic cleansing has been virtually sanctioned by the West led by the US. Or There is another side of picture that Israel is losing in a manner not being noticed. 

Joining me in this program from New York is William Scot Ritter, a former US intelligence officer, and former UN Weapon Inspector. William Scot Ritter, a former US intelligence officer &  UN Weapon Inspector speaks with Javed Rana, a host of online show The Counter Narrative. Scot provides critical assessment on flipside of the war on how apartheid State’s myth of its military and intelligence outfit Mosad being invincible, stands shattered. Being expert on nuclear program, he enlists conditions, Israel could use its nuclear war heads in Middle East.

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