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Pakistan to Undergo Unprecedented Scale of Farce Parliamentary Elections

Unprecedented scale of  farce Parliamentary  Elections in Pakistan


The general elections and politically motivated terror  attacks  have been interlinked to each other whenever the parliamentary polls held in Pakistan. However, this time around, the terror related violence is just tip of the iceberg of the coercive measures that candidates and more particularly the mainstream opposition party of jailed popular leader Imran Khan has been going through.

The target of terror attacks has been on political rallies. Many have been killed and injured during last couple of weeks, something the mainstream Opposition party--- Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf or the PTI of  Imran Khan,  suspects, are designed to create large scale fear among people so that they  stay indoor on February 8 ,2024  when the Parliamentary elections take place.

“Why are you  spilling the blood of people. If you want to delay the elections, find something other justification” said Rehan Zain Khan, who was PTI affiliated candidate in Bajur region near Afghan border until last week.  Rehan was assassinated days after his statement casting suspicions on the military and military run secret services for building up a secret nexus with militant groups to target political parties opposing to army’s political agenda. His assassination followed laying a siege of a local military installations by thousands of people chanting slogans against the army for assassinating him. They attempted to storm the army run building.

The low turnout have traditionally helped military run secret services and elections supervisors  to rigg poll in favour of blue eyed parties of powerful army which has repeatedly overthrown elected governments in Pakistan over the years. There appears to be an undeclared military takeover in Pakistan with army virtually controlling every wheel of power behind the scene which is in defiance of country’s legal and constitutional framework. The military together with pro-West political parties have allegedly been delaying the holding of general elections fearing the return of PTI in power. The PTI is perceived to be now anti-military and anti US over its stance to pursue an independent foreign policy. Pakistan is a major non-NATO ally of the US.

There have been of what appears to be desperate draconian measures by the police, military and military run intelligence outfits to create compelling conditions to ensure that the most popular political party of the most  popular political charismatic figure-- the former jailed Prime Minister Imran Khan does not win parliamentary elections. Khan has been barred to contest parliamentary elections after a trial court sentenced him for 10 years on treason charges for making public a diplomatic cable which admittedly revealed on how the US warned Islamabad to face consequences if Khan was not removed from power in early March 2022. The US warning followed the then Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to Moscow on a day when Russian President Vladimir Puttin launched a war against neighboring Ukraine. So was his  blunt refusal to the US in late 2021 to provide military bases in Pakistan to carry out attacks in Afghanistan where Afghan Taliban returned to power in August 2021 forcing the NATO led US forces to exit from the region in a humiliating manner after almost 20 years military presence.

Khan’s government was removed from power through a no confidence motion in the Parliament in April 2022 after the military backed the then Opposition parties behind the scene to force his MPs and allies to change their loyalties. Khan and his party blamed the US embassy in Islamabad to have influenced his MPs to change their loyalties in closed door secret meetings.

Imran has been facing prosecution in nearly 200 politically motivated cases. The trial courts allegedly under the influence of the military, have handed him 10 to 14 years imprisonment on what appears to be flimsy legal grounds two cases. The very motive of punishing Khan days before elections is to create unfavourable political conditions for his party to win the elections.

After removal from power, military run secret services have allegedly forced dozens of senior members of his party to desert his party and those not doing so, were detained, tortured and their female family members were undressed. And even in many instances, their houses were stormed and bulldozed and their children were kidnapped to compel them to ditch jailed leader who by all public surveys, is the most popular political figure.

 Khan cashed-in politically on rising anti-US sentiments and anti-army outrage for pursuing the US agenda and its overgrown role to make and break governments in Pakistan over the course of decades. Khan’s PTI was disfranchised by country’s top court allegedly in league with the military Generals on flimsy legal grounds that it did not hold internal party elections in an appropriate manner which legal experts believe was violation of country’s constitution. Now PTI affiliated new leaders are contesting elections as independents. Nonetheless the military, compromised senior judges and Election Commission fear that Khan’s party can still win back the elections given his overwhelming public support.

Many of the journalists were illegally detained and in one of the case a prominent journalist Arshad Sharif was killed allegedly by the military run secret services after he made public army’s illegal role in overthrowing the government of Khan in league with the US.

More than 65 percent of Pakistan’s population is youth whose overwhelming number support Imran Khan and daringly oppose the military’s playing its controversial role in depriving the most popular political force to win the general elections.

Pakistan seems to be headed for a mass unrest, the indicators of which now meaningfully begins to surface ahead of the most disputed general elections.   The fear, looms large that Pakistan may undergo another period of political uncertainty and economic turmoil given of what appears to be  army’s relentless efforts to disallow Khan’s party to peacefully participate in the general elections like other political parties. Khan has repeatedly dubbed the military Generals as traitors for dislodging his government in collusion with the US. Washington has repeatedly denied allegations. However, the diplomatic cable which Pakistan’s top diplomat wrote to its government reveals that the US was involved in hatching a conspiracy to remove Khan’s government and now supports the military in its illegal and inhuman measures to disallow the PTI to win the elections.


Expresso’s Special Correspondent in Islamabad


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