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Defeated Coup Redefined Türkiye’s Future

Professor Fahrettin Altun

Professor Fahrettin Altun recalls a story of unprecedented resistance which changed the course of Turkish history.

Nine years down the line on the night of July 15, 2016, a treacherous military coup attempt was undertaken. The very motive  was to overthrow the then democratically elected government of Türkiye. And behind this coup plot was the Fetullahist Terrorist Organisation's (FETO) whose terrorists disguised in military uniform began the coup by blockading the bridges in Istanbul and moving their tanks onto the streets of the city to cause fear and chaos among people. The key state institutions and organizations, such as Grand National Assembly of Türkiye, the Presidential Complex and Ankara Provincial Directorate of Police, were bombed. Within short span of time, it was no longer a secret that the coupe was a well coordinated action backed by
FETO's coup units within the Turkish Armed Forces to assassinate country’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Little did the coupe plotters know about the resolve of Turkish people who instantly took to the streets and squares to defend their democracy following a nationally broadcast call by the President to the people to stand up against an unfolding tyrannic order, the FETO was desperate to impose on brave Turkish nation. Millions of Turkish citizens fought against the putschist terrorist organization throughout the historical night which was marked by an unprecedented heroic resistance to the very shock of the coupe plotters.  
By morning of July 16, the Turkish Armed Forces, the Turkish National Police, and our nation together got hold of the coup plotters. Indeed July 15 was an unforgettable night. There is a long list of our heroes such as Martyr Ömer Halisdemir who resisted the coup at the cost of their lives. Not only did people resisted coup plotters on the streets but they also together with their security forces defended the command structure of Turkish Armed Forces. They changed the course of Turkish history which our next generations would always remember on how they neutralized the rebellious military Generals and their terror unit who wanted to create chaos in the country by attempting to assassinate a popular elected leader and his government. The story of resistance is one of the key historic moment when the unity and the determination of our nation was tested.

After failure of the coup, the Turkish government instantly restored the political and administrative order and brought plotters to the course of legal justice. In its subsequent findings, the Turkish government concluded that the coup attempt was undertaken after henchmen of FETO terror unit cunningly infiltrated within ranks and files of  the Turkish Armed Forces beyond the scope of legally defined structure of its command and control. It was revealed that the organization's ringleader, Fethullah Gülen, currently living in the United States, masterminded the coupe attempt. He built up his parallel organizational network within the state structure through deception and treachery over the course of years.

The public resistance on July 15, has set an example for the world on how to crush out military adventurism through street power. The heroic Turkish resistance against the coup attempt now is being perceived for people and political parties across the word as a text book model of resistance particularly in countries with the history of repeated military takeovers. 
Türkiye appreciates international community for their sustained expressions of solidarity and support for the supremacy of the democracy. However, there is also a flipside. Türkiye, expected an action oriented expression of solidarity from some of the friendly and allied countries who fell short of Ankara’s expectations. They betrayed the cause of democracy by declining or unnecessarily creating hurdles to extradite FETO’s fugitives particularly its ringleaders who had fled abroad after and before July 15, 2016. They have contradicted democratic values by refusing to hand FETO fugitives back to Ankara  especially its ringleader Fethullah Gülen. The FETO continues to operate in many different geographies, including on the soil of our allied countries. Notwithstanding, there would be no letup to battle this terrorist organization everywhere since it pertains to the very question of Türkiye’s security, political stability and economic well-being of its people. We will continue to cherish and honour the memories of our brave citizens who laid down their lives to preserve Türkiye's freedom, future and rewrote a glorified history with their blood for generations to come. That is not all. There was a biased coverage by many Western media outlets on happenings around July 15, that year. They portrayed the heroic resistance of July 15 by using factually incorrect phrases such as "a fight between two factions". It only underscores their double standards on reporting and analysis when it comes to Türkiye.

The author  is  Head of Communications in Turkish Presidency.

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