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Middle East Melting Down After Hizbollah Chief's Killing

Journalist Javed Rana drills down factors to an impending more chaos in Middle East after assassination of Hizbollah chief !

All that glitter is not always a gold. In Afghanistan US used Aws and Shock terror campaign and took over Afghanistan swiftly. Same strategy was adopted in Iraq, and same strategy has been pursued by Israel in occupied Palestinian territories and Lebanon in 1982 and it continued its occupation for 18 years in southern Lebanon. Then insurgency in both Afghanistan and Lebanon forced the occupier to exit. In a similar fashion , there has been continued insurgency against apartheid state since 1948. Awe and Shock cause immediate impact and lead occupier to gain short term military gains while insurgency win in a long drawn battle. Israel has air power superiority but its ground forces are worthless and can not fight against highly motivated insurgents, analyzes Javed Rana, The Editor The Counter Narrative in the above the link of the video.

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