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Editorial Policy

An Independent Editorial Policy

Over the course of a century and more particularly since late 2001, the journalism has been driven to promote secular values in the third world countries. The Western media being a major instrument of secular ideology, has been largely decontextualizing the events and happenings around world in its reports and analysis. The motive has been to serve covet religious and overt economic, political and geo-strategic interests of the West under the garb of helping poor countries to adopt the model liberal democracy. The national medias in third world countries have been conveniently engaged in copycat approach to decontextualize major events and incidents in their own countries. They wittily or unwittingly prefer to use terminologies of Western media to report and analyze events, something which virtually has been delegitimizing indigenous resistance against hegemonic agenda of West and their allies For instance, largely indigenous resistance against the West backed apartheid State of Israel, has been portrayed as terrorism and so has been the case in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir and elsewhere in the world.

 The core moral, social, family, values and religious values of the people of the third world countries have been under attack in a subtle manner to promote entities and individuals intellectually indoctrinated to the secularism and liberalism. On the other hand, the authoritarian media in Middle East and many other countries and particularly in China and Russia, has been engaged in a systematic cover-up to breach fundamental human rights, something the Western media enthusiastically reports not out of love of press freedom but more to serve the political and geo-strategic interests of the West. In the context of this background, The Counter-Narrative would undertake  humble efforts to report and analyze of what Western and authoritarian media opt to decontextualize and miss out the core aspects of major happenings because of their vested political interests.

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